🫂Contribution Program

Join the Solstream community

Premium Content Creators

Do you create content on centralized applications and want to know what it is like to create content on the first decentralized streaming & video platform. Become an early adopter of Solstream and be rewarded for your activities. Fill in the following form: TBA.

Applicants can receive a content agreement based on pay-per-video or pay-per-stream basis. Additional bonus rewards can be given based on user activities (such as views). In the future additional revenues can be gained as part of the ads bonus. It allows to earn a share of revenue when ads run during your videos/streams.

Solstream Moderator Program

The Solstream community is always looking for active individuals who will monitor content on Solstream. As a moderator, it is your responsibility to contribute to creating a safe environment for everyone to enjoy. You can provide feedback to users and promote positive interactions between members of the community It is critical that any content that does not comply with the community guidelines is removed. Moderators will be compensated for their efforts.

Are you interested in being part of the moderator team and making the platform safe and enjoyable for all its users? Fill in the following form: TBA

Solstream Sponsor Program

As a Solstream sponsor you can get dedicated advertisement spaces to run your ads for a period of time. You help the platform grow with financial support and increase traffic. Impression and Click-Through-Rate (CTR) are available to gain insight in how your ad(s) are performing on the Solstream Platform. The sponsoring can be done monthly or as a one-time agreement. Monthly sponsor agreement get priority for ad spaces over one-time agreements.

Are you interesting in becoming a sponsor and supporting the Solstream community? Fill in the following form: TBA

Last updated